In the realm of relationships, there exist countless assumptions and expectations that can often lead to misunderstandings and unnecessary conflicts. These myths, deeply embedded in societal narratives, shape our perceptions of what constitutes a healthy relationship. However, upon closer inspection, many of these commonly held beliefs don't necessarily hold true in the diverse landscape of human connections.

Here are 15 common relationship myths that might bring you some peace of mind about your own.

Myth 1: Your Partner Should Be Your Best Friend

While it's essential to have a strong bond with your partner, the idea that they must fulfill every role, including being your best friend, can create undue pressure. Relationships thrive on shared interests and emotional intimacy, but it's okay to have separate friendships, and even a best friend outside of your partner, who fulfill different needs.

Myth 2: Never Go to Bed Angry

This advice implies that all conflicts must be resolved before sleep, which can be unrealistic. Sometimes you can make things worse if you try to push for a resolution before the two of you are emotionally and mentally ready. Taking time to cool off and gain perspective can lead to a more productive resolution the next day. Healthy communication matters more than a strict timeline for conflict resolution.

Myth 3: Pick Your Battles

While compromise is vital, suppressing genuine concerns under the guise of "picking your battles" may lead to unaddressed issues. If an issue is important to you, don’t try and push it aside. Healthy relationships foster open communication about concerns, without belittling each other's feelings.

Myth 4: You Shouldn't Have to Ask Someone to Make Time for You

In a busy world, demanding someone's time without understanding their commitments can strain relationships. Healthy partnerships involve mutual respect for each other's schedules while finding a balance to spend quality time together. If your partner cannot be available for you at the very moment you need it, then trust in their need to attend to other matters, and this will afford them a better mental and emotional space when they are free for you.

Myth 5: Eliminate All Friends of the Opposite Gender

This myth stems from insecurity and distrust. Trust is the foundation of a healthy relationship. It's essential to have boundaries and open conversations about friendships, but banning friends of a particular gender can be restrictive and unnecessary.

Myth 6: The Idea of Growing Together is Infallible

While growth is essential, assuming partners will always evolve in sync might lead to disappointment. Individuals grow at different paces and in various directions. Respecting each other's unique journeys is important.

Myth 7: Don't Settle for Anything Less Than Perfect

Perfection is an unrealistic standard that can hinder genuine connections. Embracing imperfections and understanding that relationships require effort and compromise is key to fostering a healthy and lasting bond.

Myth 8: Split the Chores 50/50

Assigning chores solely based on a numerical split overlooks individual strengths and preferences. It's more about finding a balance and understanding each other's contributions rather than a strict division.

Myth 9: Be the Alpha Male

This notion of dominance often undermines equality and mutual respect. Healthy relationships thrive on collaboration and shared decision-making, not on power dynamics.

Myth 10: Know Your Roles

Society often dictates specific gender or relationship roles, but these rigid expectations can stifle personal growth and limit the relationship's potential. Embrace flexibility and allow each other to evolve naturally without predefined roles.

Myth 11: Love Alone Conquers All

While love is a significant foundation, it isn't the sole solution to all relationship challenges. Respect, communication, trust, and commitment are equally crucial in navigating the complexities of a partnership.

Myth 12: Opposites Attract

While differences can add spice to a relationship, assuming that complete opposites are naturally drawn to each other can overlook the importance of shared values and fundamental compatibility. It's essential to have common ground and shared goals to build a strong foundation for a lasting connection.

Myth 13: Jealousy Equals Love

Jealousy is often mistaken for passion or love, but it's rooted in insecurity and mistrust. Healthy relationships are built on trust and respect. Instead of viewing jealousy as a sign of affection, it's important to address its underlying causes and foster trust through open communication and understanding.

Myth 14: Once Cheated, Always Cheated

The belief that a person who has cheated will inevitably do so again ignores the complexities of human behaviour and growth. While infidelity or other deception can deeply impact trust, it's possible for individuals to learn from their mistakes, seek forgiveness, and rebuild trust into a stronger, more faithful relationship through sincere efforts and commitment.

Myth 15: Love Should Be Effortless

The notion that true love should be effortless perpetuates unrealistic expectations. All relationships require work, effort, and compromise from both partners. While love can bring joy and fulfillment, it's essential to understand that challenges and disagreements are a natural part of any relationship journey.


In conclusion, relationships are intricate, and no one-size-fits-all formula guarantees success. Debunking these myths allows for a more nuanced understanding of what constitutes a healthy and fulfilling relationship. Communication, mutual respect, understanding, and flexibility form the pillars of a robust and lasting partnership. Instead of adhering strictly to societal expectations, embracing the uniqueness of your connection can lead to a more fulfilling and harmonious relationship journey.